Leadership LINKS Mentoring Program for Young Women

The Leadership LINKS Mentoring Program for Young Women is a 12–month program (June–May), for women ages 18–30 who are pursuing career or educational goals. Young women are equipped through mentorship, professional development, life skills, coaching, and character and spiritual development.

Our LINKS Leaders (program participants) develop clarity about their vocational calling, cultivate a supportive professional Network, and gain tools and resources needed to thrive in the workplace.

Mentoring and programs take place virtually, with two in-person gatherings each year. 

Leadership LINKS uses well researched best practices and a small group mentoring model to provide: 

  • Character and spiritual development to clarify their purpose and discern their vocational calling, while cultivating the skill of building healthy and loving relationships;

  • Essential life skills – such as financial literacy, communication skills, goal development, and mental health and wellness – to pursue personal and professional dreams and thrive as a leader in the workplace, home and community;

  • Connections with speakers and mentors from a variety of career fields including those where women are traditionally underrepresented, such as STEM fields, entrepreneurialism and media; and

  • Inspiration and support to pursue educational and professional opportunities, including access to the Leadership LINKS Network (an intergenerational and multi-ethnic community of like-minded Leaders, as well as organizations, businesses, and schools) who are all willing to help program participants on their life and leadership journey.

Leadership LINKS, Inc. is a faith-informed organization, meaning that the Christian faith of the organization’s leadership team informs every aspect of our lives, leadership, and service to this organization and its Network. It also inspires our organizational programming and curriculum development. While commitment to the Christian faith is not a requirement for program participation; respect for this emphasis is important for a participant to get the most out of their experience and to encourage positive group dynamics.

Stay tuned for when enrollment in the 2025-2026 Leadership LINKS Mentoring Program for Young Women opens. Thank you for your interest!

If you have questions or need additional information, email us at admin@leadershiplinksinc.org.

Who should participate?

Young women (ages 18–30) who are:

  • Actively engaged and working in the early stages of their desired career field and want to chart a leadership or career path for themselves, and/or

  • In the transition between jobs and/or careers (or are unsure about their current career choice), and/or

  • Attending college or university, community college, a trade school, certificate program, or working towards an associate or advanced degree.

What is required to participate? YOUR COMMITMENT AND PRESENCE, a life discipline:

The program begins with a face-to-face gathering in June, which is required for program participation. Upon arrival, this is an all inclusive retreat. However, arranging transportation to and from the retreat site is the participant’s responsibility.

From July through May, participants meet virtually twice (2) per month for speakers and mentoring. LINKS Leaders are expected to attend every session via video conference (a laptop or tablet with camera are essential).

Service within the organization or a capstone service project is also required.

All LINKS Leaders are expected to honor and respect the humanity of all program participants (including organization leaders, mentors, and their peers) with their presence, full participation and active engagement through their speech, attentive listening, by having a positive attitude, by asking questions, and by having a curiosity and posture for learning.

All LINKS Leaders are expected to participate, prepare for, and complete any program requirements which may include reading and/or professional assignments or assessments.

  • Two people talking with text "Program Monthly Payment" and logos for "Forum for Theological Exploration" and "Leadership Links."

    Monthly Payment - Mentoring Program for Young Women


  • Group of people talking at a table with 'Program Full Payment' text overlay, Forum for Theological Exploration and Leadership Links logos at bottom.

    Full Payment - Mentoring Program for Young Women


  • Group of people wearing "Mentoring Across Generations" t-shirts with text "One-Time Application Payment," and logos for "Forum for Theological Exploration" and "Leadership Links."

    AdvancedApplication Payment - Mentoring Program for Young Women
